
A player in protocol choose a value from some sets and commit to his choice such that he cannot change his mind. He may reveal his choice at some later time. Call prover P and verifier V.

binding and hiding


binding: once P commit to his choice, he cannot change. It’s a limitation on the ability of P.

Unconditional/Perfect binding: Even with infinite computing power, P cannot change his mind after commiting, which means in $c = Commit_{pp}(b;r)$ there is at most one $b$ such that commitment is c for any c.

Conditional Binding: For any probabilistic polynomial algorithm $p^$, given $pp$ generated by $Gen(1^\lambda)$, let the probability $p^$ outputs $c, b, b’, r, r’$ such that $b \neq b’$ and $commit(b;r) = commit(b’;r’)$ be $\epsilon(\lambda)$. Then it should be negligible in $\lambda$. Negligible menas for any polynomial p, there exists some constant $\lambda_0$ such that $\epsilon(\lambda) < 1/p(\lambda)$ for $\lambda > \lambda_0$.


hinding: V cannot tell what the choice is before P decide to give V the key. It’s a limitation on the ability of V.

We need additional concept called indistinguishability for two distribution.

Perfect indistinguishable: for any x, $U_x = V_x$

Statistically indis: for any x, $SD(U_x, V_x)$ is negligible of length of x. $SD(U, V) = 1/2 \sum P(y) - Q(y) $, P(y) is the probability of output y. 一个可行的含义,来自随机算法$\sum P(y) -Q(y) > max P(y) - Q(y) $,也就是说,对于每个输出,最坏的advantage也是negligible的.

Computational indis: For any PPT D, D(U_x) and D(V_x) is stat dis. Then U and V is Comput indis. Or we can define it by advantage. For any ppt, the advantage tell which one is output from is negligible.

Computational hiding: (pp, Commit(0;r)) and (pp, Commit(1;r’)) is comput indis, where r and r’ are uniformly distributed over ${0,1}^\lambda$. We require V is computing power limited.

Uncomputational hiding: V may have infinite computing power.

Stat hiding: Commit(0;r) and Commit(1;r’) is stat indis.

Perfect hiding: Commit(0;r) and commit(1;r’) is perfect indis.

Both uncon hiding and uncon biding is impossible.

如果存在的话,对于c = commit(0;r)来说,不能存在commit(1;r’) = c,否则违背unconditional binding;但对于V来说,他得到了一个commitment不可能由1commit出来,则他得到了P的choice是0,因此矛盾。

因此,只有uncon binding和con hiding,或者con binding和uncon hiding.

对于前者,只要是正确的pp,P就没有办法作弊,但是V可能控制pp的生成,获得优势,因此我们让P执行Gen,V check。

对于后者,只要PP正确,V就没办法作弊,因此让V执行Gen,P check。

Example DDF and hormorphic one-way function