User identification problem

  1. original Register on verifier’s system. Then we have a secret, i.e. password, which is known by each other. Submit password and check in database. If submit in plaintext, of course doesn’t make sense. Maybe we can entrypt it. But it’s still not a good idea.
  2. improvement Actually, what a prover do in identification problem is try to convince verifier that prover have information of identical secret. In original idea, we just give some pieces of information of secret directly. A better method could be we don’t leak information of secret, but try to convince the proposal “prover know secret” is true.

    An example is a user generate a public key and secret key. Like what we do in github, we submit public key to verifier. And verifier choose a random message, encrypt with public key and give ciphertext to prover. If prover own the private key, he can get the right message.

  3. zero-knowledge Although prover don’t leak information about his secret, he leak something else, the message verifier choose. If there is honest verifier, everything is fine. But if there is a attacker, he try to fake your identification and send the ciphertext from real verifier to you. There is a problem.

    Thus we must make sure another must know the plaintext before someone decide to reveal message.

    Then a zero-knowledge version comes out.

    1. V choose a random bit, use public key to encrypt, give it to P.
    2. P decrypt with private key, and sends a commitment to the plaintext Commitment(m’;r) to V;
    3. V send m to P
    4. P check whether m=m’; If true, open commitment; Otherwise, stop protocol.
    5. V check whether accept or reject.

    A principle of zero-knowledge is have the prover demonstrate something V already knows and make sure V does indeed knows in advance.


Give a definition. We just care about that the prover’s claim is true. If it’s false, prover just tell nonsense to verifier. Of course, there is no knowledge.

Thus zero-knowledge intuitively is everything V saw during the protocol can be simulate by X efficiently. X is the face that the prover’s claim is true.

Formmal definition is for any PPT V, there is PPT simulator Sv on input x, such that Sv* and (P, V) is comput indis, where on input x and $\delta$ only for V.

Note that Sv* can rewrite the conversion, but (P, V) must generate conversion with correct time ordering and one by one. That means sometimes, if it’s neccessary we can rewind Sv.

Complexity Class of IP

A zero-knowledge proof system: Graph Isomorphism


其实这个设计的原则就是,我们准备一些问题,同时这个问题集合的大小是polynomial,欺骗者无法回答全部问题。但simulator可以通过rewinding的手段,准备好问题的答案。如果这个问题的集合过大,将使rewind失效,因为会超polynomial,就像schnorr protocol。

A zero-knowledge proof system: Graph NonIsomorphism